Karen Muller Says:

Jim tells me that mostly family read this blog … and it is mostly family who need this remembrance.

When Grandma died about this time in 1982, Uncle Clifford pulled me aside at the funeral and said: “Don’t be a stranger. One of the saddest things that happened after Grossmutter died was that the family went their separate ways. Let’s stay together. Stop by when you’re here.” And I did.

And we did. All but one of Grandma’s grandchildren was at Uncle Clifford’s funeral last Monday. And his cousins, once-removed, Carol and Dottie Ellen.

Those of us in my generation are all middle aged (but still young!!) with our own families. Some of us (Jeanne and Arlene) have become the new matriarchs, with grandchildren. But let’s continue to hang together.

My kids value their family and were touched by how big it is. (They were also amazed at how many people I knew, despite my having to ask a few who looked familiar who they were.)


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