Tiger Cubs

Eric has been in Tiger Cubs this year.  It is the earliest year of Boy Scouts.  Right after the den started meeting, the den leader quit.  The overall coordinator asked if any of the parents would take on the role of den leader.  I declined but offered to lead for a month and/or help out in portions of meetings.  In the confusion some of the boys bolted to the Floyd den, but Mitchell, Josh, Janaru and Eric stayed.

With a small group we were able to complete all five chapters of the Tiger Cubs handbook and thus the boys will be earning all beads/badges/awards for this level.

Last night we took a nature walk along the nature trail which parallels Cincinnati Creek in Trenton Town Park.  We found and discussed thorn apple trees, white pine trees, and pussy willows.  We saw mallard ducks and red-winged blackbirds.  We looked at skunk cabbage, beaver chew and old golden rod.  We discovered last year’s bird nests and Janaru detected minnows.  After wards we made a picture frame which will contain a picture of the boys taken right before the hike.

With Little League baseball and AYSO soccer soon to start I am glad Scouting is winding down.  I had a better time doing the activities with the boys than I anticipated.  The small group size helped.

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