SCS 1970-75 Reunion

Back in July of 2009 I saw Martha (Tripp) Garing at a Howe Cavern’s reunion. We got to talking about old Schoharie Central School classmates that we had seen and our lack of regular reunions. I mentioned to Martha that I thought a multi-year reunion would be a good idea. I told her she would be the perfect person to head the committee effort that would be required to pull this event off.

Martha recruited a number of people to assist and we began meeting in late 2009. We decided to include the classes of 1970 – 1975.

We established 18 September as the preferred date and began planning a number of activities around that weekend. A bonfire, discounts at vendors, a tour of the school, dinner at Olde Tater Barn and a Sunday Brunch.

We had between 150-200 people at the Friday night bonfire.

We had 11 invited faculty, 230 dinners and about 20 ‘walk-ins’ to our Saturday night dinner. Our class of 1971 had 88 graduates. We lost 4 to death and had 6 that I was never able to locate. From the remaining we had about 30 attend and about half brought a guest.

Martha and I developed a program to hand out to our 1971 classmates. During the night we played some of the Top 100 hits from 1970-75.

The Sunday Brunch attracted 60 participants from all the classes.

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