The Dad’s old Homelite chainsaw (30-40 years old) finally bit the dust. It would have required $170 of repair, so I opted for a new saw. I bought a STIHL Farm & Ranch chain saw. It starts easily and has a kick-back bar to abate accidents. Another high-tech STIHL chain saw, the MS 291 is built around one of our new fuel-saving engines with longer run times and lower emissions. A high-performance, fuel-efficient chain saw; great for felling, firewood cutting and storm cleanup. Another great feature is an advanced anti-vibration system to reduce user fatigue.
Kathryn and I cut 1.6 cord of wood on Sunday evening and Monday morning using dead ash trees located just across the road. We previously bought 2 cord of wood from Sandy, which we picked up, and 2 cord from Johnny which he delivered. We also have about 1/3 of a cord of ash from a couple of years ago.