Kathryn took Eric, Stone and Dakota to Orlando FL for their Christmas gift. They had a fun trip, though it went fast with a lot of rushing around. Both Stone and Dakota had been sick the week before. Stone’s congestion was nasty sounding. They got to Orlando on Friday in time to catch the last shuttle from the hotel to Universal (11 AM). They did most of Universal on Friday, until they got too tired with half were hungry, half not; half wanted to take the shuttle to the hotel and half wanted to walk the 1.2 miles in the dark etc. Eric’s ankle hurt the first night but it didn’t seem to bother him after that though. However, it was a lot of fun. They got to do the Harry Potter ride twice. We did “Men in Black” several times. They went on some BIG roller coasters; the Kraken and the Hulk. We didn’t have to wait long for rides so got to do a lot.