Weather cancels KC-135 flight

I didn’t get to fly today on the KC-135 / F-16 air to air refueling mission. The wet weather combined with the fact that longer runway was being resurfaced and prohibited the tanker from flying in from Niagara Falls and landing at Hancock Airport. This was the 1st time in eight years a boss lift had to be cancelled due to weather. In lieu of the flight we received several ground briefings:

  • Equipment managers going over details of anti-G suit worn by the pilots, the survival vest and actual flight suit; roughly 40 lbs of gear.
  • Flying the F-16 flight simulator
  • Command post where the pre-flight briefing and center of all command and control activities

I met the Col Howard, commander of the 152nd Air Operations Group, where Michael, my sponsor, works. The Air Operations Center provides planning, direction, and control of assigned Air Forces. They direct activities of forces and monitor actions of both enemy and friendly forces. The 152nd augments the Air Operations Center at Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany, for the United States Air Forces Europe (USAFE). The 152nd AOG is recognized as a lead Air Reserve Component Air Operations Command (AOC) augmentation unit.

Col Howard extended an invitation to get an overview briefing of his AOC which was conducted by Air National Guard LtCol Butler, LtCol Murphy and Maj Fristchi which we accepted. It was nice seeing the operational side.

I am invited to return in May 2007 for a 2nd flight attempt.

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