Lately we have some favorite media we are hitting on:
TV: Eric’s latest fave is Discovery Channel’s Dirty Jobs. It has been on for awhile, but he recently discovered it and watches it over any Noggin cartoons. There is an element of slapstick humor as Mike Rowe gets bitten by snakes, falls in mud, plays with bugs and gets dirty. I try to find the education element value in the show. Hey – it beats Wow, Wow, Wubzy.
Blogs: Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. I noticed this about a week ago on some list of fast rising blogs. Ree lives in the midwest, takes great pictures, posts about her family, living on a cow/calf ranch, cooking and photoshop.
Book: Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. This was loaned to me by a co-worker when I was going to be out of action for awhile. I am still only 2/3rds through the 750+ page book but it is a good read and I recommend it. It doesn’t just focus on Lincoln, but provides insights into contemporaries Edwin Stanton, Salmon Chase, William Seward and Edward Bates.