
Christmas eve we took Dakota and Stone to Church services with us and then returned home to meet with Billie Jo and Joel for gift exchange.

Eric was full of the Christmas spirit – so full that he had a hard time sleeping. He came into our room at 4am complaining of being unable to sleep. I took him back to his room and tried to get him to settle in – to no avail. At 6am we gave up and started opening presents.



The big gift was a ping-pong table. It took us two trips to Dick’s Sporting Goods and three sessions for Kathryn and I to assemble it (142 little screws). We made Eric do a short treasure hunt before locating the ping pong table.



He also got Legos, Kan Jam, clothes and a Wolf Hat.






Kathryn made a ham dinner which we shared with Skip after playing a few games of ping pong. In the afternoon Chris and Jack stopped by.