For Christmas Billie Jo offered to house sit and supervise Eric for a weekend during 2014 enabling Kathryn and I to take a weekend vacation. We planned a weekend with the Helmer’s in visiting historic sites in Philadelphia. We drove down Friday afternoon and ate at a German Restaurant Friday evening.
Saturday we had perfect weather as we visited the Liberty Bell, Assembly Hall, took a historic walk, visited the Ben Franklin museum, ate in an authentic restaurant and took a ghost walk.
The Pennsylvania State Court house, our National Park Service guide standing on trial. Our guide was loud and good, injecting a little acting into his spiel.
Across the hall was historic Assembly Hall.
Our walking tour guide at Ben Franklin’s grave.
The Ben Franklin bust composed of spoons; located at the Franklin Fire Department, founded by Ben Franklin.
Jim looking at Betsy Ross’s home.
Pam and Kathryn at the City Tavern.