We have been visiting colleges with Eric. So far, his favorite is Hilbert College in Hamburg, a small private school started by – you guessed it – the Franciscan Sisters of Saint Joseph. We visited St. Rose but that wasn’t a good fit. Eric liked SUNY Canton; HCCC is the “safe bet” school but does have an agreement with Hilbert so he could start at HCCC and transfer.
Eric’s grades this year are promising. So far, actually very good. He took one road test and didn’t pass so has his second try at it this week. He has not been doing much about going to the gym, and basketball tryouts are coming up.
Jim has been struggling with heart issues (a fib and now also “flutter”) for a few months and is pretty depressed about it, since when his heart is acting up he has zero energy and can’t do anything. He is scheduled for an ablation on this Thursday and we are hopeful it will resolve the issue.
On top of that, his company lost a bid for a major contract, and so there is not work for many of the staff in this area. Jim will be RIF’ed 12/15. He does not seem ready to retire and is bummed…he really liked his schedule and current job description. He is talking to a couple of companies. I figure we will be OK no matter what he decides. Either he will get ready to retire or he will find something else. But between his heart and this, he is not in a good mood.
Kathryn returned from 10 days in Utah for a seniors’ tournament. Her team sucked big time – even worse than last year, and they were already describing themselves as “not very good” when she joined them then. It was quite demoralizing; we sometimes looked like the 3 Stooges (only 6). The good news is they treat Kathryn like a rock star because she can move and they can’t. But she didn’t have much fun playing with them. However, she managed to take some significant hikes : up Cassidy Arch in Capital Reef National Monument, to Zebra Slot Canyon in Grand Staircase/ Escalante National Monument, Navajo Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park, Angel’s Landing Trail in Zion National Park, Trail of Sleeping Rainbows in Utah Petrified Wood State Park, Anasazi Petroglyph Trail in a local park. So it wasn’t a totally wasted trip.
Billie Jo just had a “Haunted Campground” day at their place, so Kathryn went out there to help out this past weekend. She is having some health problems, most likely due to Lyme Disease.

I have no idea what is likely to happen at Thanksgiving here. However, Kathryn has booked tickets for her, Billie Jo and Dakota to go to Seattle the first week of January. That should be fun.