After months of meetings, hundreds of texts and even more emails the long awaited 50th year reunion was held. The reunion began on Friday, August 13 @ Fox Creek Park in Schoharie starting at 5:00 pm for the informal “meet and greet” with other SCS alumni. Our 50th celebration was Saturday, August 14 @ The Grapevine Farms Restaurant & Boutique located on Route 7 in Cobleskill. We had 40 attendees. Our graduating class was 83 persons with 16 currently deceased. Of the 83 12 served in the US military. Friday night’s Meet & Greet was casual, free flowing and encouraged a lot of mingling as people re-acquainted with one another. A couple of passing showers encouraged participants to huddle up, but everyone stayed dry under the pavilion.
Saturday the planning committee arrived early to set up and decorate; poster boards were positioned, pictures from past reunions were placed under the glass table tops, memorabilia displayed. The check in table was set up to dispense badges (blue for graduates & white for guests), meal selections, a nick names game sheet and a Christmas ornament.

1. Cathy Summerfield, Bev Guernsey, Gail Myers, Martha Tripp 2. Terry Miller, Deb Morehouse 3. Darlene Johnston, Artie Williams, Barb Henry, Marie Price 4. Dave Bloomer, Sue Sacket, Roger Bender, Claudia Remmers. 5. Tom Tillison, Peggy Senecal, Mike Houghton. 6. Barry Przysiecki, Bob Ottman, Kenny Mann, Jim Muller, Denny Radford
After the meal our faculty guests: Stewart Linendall and Barton MacDougall spoke of their memories from 1971 and activities over the past 50 years.
The words to the SCS Alma Mater are controversial and have been changed over the years. That’s why the closing ceremonies for the Class of 1971 Reunion adopted a ‘lyrics-free’ version by engaging the SCS 1971 Alma Mater Kazoo Band. Give a listen to the undeniable kazoo talent and judge for yourself. Contact Michael Houghton to engage the band to play at your next SCS event.