Tag Archives: Disney

Orlando FL: Universal Studios and SeaWorld

Eric and Kathryn returned from their vacation in Orlando where they spent 4 days visiting Universal Studios and SeaWorld. They stayed at the DoubleTree Hotel and were within walking distance of Universal Studios and a bus ride from SeaWorld. There were several shops and entertainments between the hotel and Universal Studios. Below Kathryn and Margaret pose in front of the elephant.

Eric and Harrisen look to have a basketball dribbled onto their heads in front of NBA City.

Eric poses with Jaws.

Eric and Harrisen tackled an urban climbing wall.

Eric, Margaret, Harrisen and Kathryn pose with the characters from Madagascar.


They had a perfect seat for the Shamu Show, but the boys were disappointed they didn’t get wet! So the 2nd day they returned to the Shamu Show and sat in the Splash Zone and happily got soaked.

Eric got to feed the dolphins, rays, sharks and seals.

Feeding the dolphins was fund so the group returned to do a training session. They got pet the dolphins and teach them a couple of tricks.

They taught a dolphin to stand and make a noise.

The last day was the warmest so the group returned to Adventure Island in Universal Studios for water rides.

Eric and his souvenir stuffed seal named “Orlando”.