Tag Archives: McCauley

Skiing at McCauley Mtn

Wednesday Kathryn had to work and I took the day off to take Eric and Trevor skiing at McCauley Mtn.  We left the house at 10:30 and arrived about an hour later.  We had to wait a few minutes before they would sell their half day ski pass;  12 noon – 4:15 for $20; so we staked a table in the lodge, Trevor rented a helmet and the boys geared up with boots, etc.

It was a perfect day.  McCauley wasn’t crowded so there was no waiting for the ski lift.  The boys met up with a friend, Jack, and were intrigued by all the new ski trails to explore.  They came into the lodge at 2pm for food and drinks and then returned to repeat runs over the rest of the ski center.   McCauley has a base elevation of 1567 ft and rises up 633 feet to a summit elevation of 2200.  There are 21 trails and 5 lifts (chair, t-bar, rope tow).  Other than one double black diamond run (Helmer) they did every trail 2 or 3 times.