We have been planning our home re-modeling for the past couple years. This remodeling breaks down into two major projects. One major project is to built an attached garage with a mud room, pantry, laundry and 1/2 bath connecting it to our house. This past summer we began contracted to have our basement drainage re-done, brought in a lot of fill to begin that project. We are letting the fill settle for a year (or two or three) before building the garage.
The other major project is to remodel the interior of our house. This project includes:
- Using 1 of the 3 first floor bedrooms for a new, larger, more modern bathroom
- Expanding the size of our master bedroom
- Opening up the entrance way to the living room and installing pocket doors. Our living room faces south with a large (9’x6′) picture window. Going through nu-eco.com.au/ helps in getting a lot of window design options. The view is nice and the solar gain is great during the winter. We want to allow this warmer air to circulate throughout the house.
- Opening up closets in foyer and Eric’s bedroom
- Along the way we will be moving electrical switches, power plugs, and telephone jacks
- Finally we are removing our cast iron steam radiators and installing a new hot water boiler and radiant heat for the 1st floor. You must have a look at the new boiler cost and know which one to get.
In the past few weeks we have been trying to move furniture, weed out books, clothes and nick-knacks. It will probably take a couple of months to complete the structural items to be followed by weeks of painting and wallpapering.