Volleyball Wrap Up

This past week we faced the playoffs for both our Wednesday night team: The Volley Llamas and our Thursday night team: The Sand Fleas.

Our Volley Llamas team finished in 1st place in the 7 team “Family/Recreational” League.  We had an opening bye and played vs. Finndale Farms, who gave us challenging matches every time we played them this summer.  We won 2 games and faced Team 5 in the finals.  Team 5 took the opening game, we won the 2nd game and we were defeated in the final game of the match.

Our Sand Fleas team finished 2nd in the competitive Thursday night league.  The top 4 teams of the league were close in talent and standings.

We easily won our opening match vs Sandy Balls, who had won their 10 vs 8 opening round.

We lost a close game 1 of our match vs 4th  place Git It Up.  Then we got off to a horrendous start in game 2.  We went down 0-8 because neither Scott or I hit anything into their court.  Fortunately, we pulled it together and won forcing game 3.  We were tied close in game 3 until the early teens then I got on a good serving streak where they were never able to really control the ball and were just returning it.  We were able to take their returns and make plays.  I think we won 25-14.  A heart breaker for them.

We faced Swingers in the finals and played poorly – they won it with two easy games.  I don’t know if it was fatigue (Kathryn and I played in the finals on Wed night), or the fact that we lost concentration or were tired from the previous round, or, or, or…….

They were the same Swingers team that we smoked the previous week 3-0 in the position round.  We were the same except Chris Poore subbed for Rob and Chris played great.  I think they were extremely motivated to redeem themselves. The continuity of having Rob might have made a difference but even his best game couldn’t have overcome all our errors.  It was one of the worst nights of play that I had this summer – not the way to finish the year.  I don’t begrudge Swingers the win/title – I just wish I had played better and we had given them more of a battle in the finals.

With Apologies to Frank Sinatra (We did it our way…..)

And now the playoffs are done
They didn’t end the way we wanted
My friend, we had lot’s of fun
But last night my dreams were haunted

We opened up against Sandy Balls
Unable to pass, they were easy prey
It only took, just two quick games
We did it our way.

Next was the semi-final round
And you likely guessed it, yup
For to reach the crown
We had to beat Team Git It Up.

They opened up and took the first
It was much to our dismay
And in the 2nd we needed a burst
We had to do it our way

We were down, it was 0 to 8
You couldn’t find a single grin
Jim & Scott weren’t playing great.
But the Sand Fleas rallied to win

In the 3rd game they changed their team
To bring in height and better players
We stuck to our plan, true to our scheme
For we were stayers

The teams were tied in the teens,
Jim served eight points straight
And you know what that means
Into the finals we skate.

To reach the finals, to make it through
The Swingers had coasted
They beat us in two
We played poor and soon we were toasted

Regrets, I have a few
They are the cause of this tension
Several plays, I want to re-do
They might have kept us in contention

But overall, on the whole
At the end of the day
We took our toll
And said we did it our way!

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