Eric’s 1st Day at 6th Grade Middle School

The kid was all shiny and dressed up so we had to get a 1st day at school picture.  The school sent an estimated pickup time of 7:07am; a good 45 minutes earlier than his bus pickup to elementary school.  So Eric, Kathryn and I were dutifully waiting for the bus to show.  About 7:22 I decided I needed to get to work and left Kathryn and Eric at the end of the driveway.  As I drove west on our road I was passed by HP Bus 188 flying east at a goodly clip.  I slowed down and listened for the squeal of tires as Bus 188 noticed their pickup and tried to stop in time.  Apparently that didn’t happen as the bus ignored Eric and cruised through.  Kathryn drove Eric to school and told him to make sure he made it on the bus to come home and to show the driver where he lived.  Upon her return to home she saw the HP Elementary bus waiting for Eric at the end of the driveway.  Apparently, he didn’t get listed on the Middle School bus run and was still on the HPE bus list.


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